Project Details
Illinois Avenue and Sucher Lane Sewer and Water Replacements
Project Name
Illinois Avenue and Sucher Lane Sewer and Water ReplacementsProject Location
Santa Rosa, CAProject Description
Green Valley Consulting Engineers is performing the full-time construction inspection and part-time construction management for this $1.5 million dollar sewer and water improvement project located between the Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) and Highway 101. The project is replacing a “damaged” 6-inch clay sewer main with approximately 1,600 linear feet of a larger and more durable 8-inch PVC main and “aged and undersized” water service laterals with 38 new 1- to 1 1∕2-inch copper and HDPE laterals – both long-lasting, corrosion resistant, and eco-friendly. Additionally, the project is replacing a small section of “deteriorated” metal storm drain with reinforced concrete pipe and installing new fire hydrant assemblies which meet current City standards. Utility replacement involves the abandonment and removal of the existing sewer, water, and storm drain system components, the adjustment of existing utility structures to final grades, and the installation of new sewer laterals and appurtenances including large (48-inch) precast sewer manholes, cleanouts, and all associated fittings and valves. As an added bonus, roadways and sidewalks within the project area are being improved through pavement reconstruction, the installation of ADA Accessible Pedestrian Curb Ramps, reconstructed valley
gutters, new pavement markers and markings, and “street” tree plantings.
Construction challenges include the disposal of soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons (motor oil, diesel, and heavy metals) at approved landfills located at least 65 miles from the project site, nighttime construction to accommodate high daytime traffic volumes at the West Steele Lane/Highway 101 off-ramps – one of the most collision-prone areas of the City, and traffic control for the busy SRJC campus which has close to 23,000 students.

Clients Say
"It's been a busy summer and we could not have done it without the help of GVCE's CM Team. South Starr Road had enough hiccups to keep everyone busy. Our Construction Manager, Jason, was extremely helpful in solving the (many) unexpected field issues. We look forward to utilizing GVCE's CM Services on future CIP projects." - South Starr Road ProjectJim O'Brien, Project Manager - Town of Windsor