Project Details
Lakeshore Drive Emergency Landslide Repair
Project Name
Lakeshore Drive Emergency Landslide RepairProject Location
City of ClearlakeProject Description
Green Valley provided full construction inspection services for the City of Clearlake’s Lakeshore Drive Landslide Repair Project. An emergency slide occurred after a series of back-to-back winter storms. The slide threatened to remove an entire home, as well as endangering a portion of the City’s main arterial road thru town. The downhill homesite had significant damage from the slide and the occupants were required to relocate during the repairs necessitating a cohesive construction team to move swiftly and efficiently on repairs. The project also included repairs to Lakeshore Drive where the embankment slide resulted in the loss of the paved shoulder on the outboard edge of the roadway. The project included the removal of the landslide debris and grading and reshaping of the existing slope to prevent instability. The slope was reinforced with soil nails (steel rods) inserted into the slope to reinforce the terrain and stabilize from further movement. The installation of the soil nails by high pressure air also incorporated a reinforced shotcrete cap. Shotcrete was then applied with a significant drainage system to form a durable surface.
Throughout the project, our team provided continuous monitoring of the slope and retaining wall to maintain safety standards. We also managed public outreach, traffic control oversight, and the implementation of erosion and water pollution control measures to ensure the project proceeded safely and efficiently.
Technical Aspects of Soil Nail Walls
– Drilled holes commonly 4-6 inches in diameter
– Nailed holes have depth from 20 to 70 feet
– Steel bars 1-1.5 inches in diameter are inserted into nailed holes
– Nails grouted in place with cement grout
– Grout injected under pressure to bond the nail to soil and improve load bearing
– Permanent shotcrete facing applied to exposed soil surface

Clients Say
"It's been a busy summer and we could not have done it without the help of GVCE's CM Team. South Starr Road had enough hiccups to keep everyone busy. Our Construction Manager, Jason, was extremely helpful in solving the (many) unexpected field issues. We look forward to utilizing GVCE's CM Services on future CIP projects." - South Starr Road ProjectJim O'Brien, Project Manager - Town of Windsor