Project Details
Doyle Drive - Presidio Parkway
Project Name
Doyle Drive - Presidio ParkwayProject Location
San Francisco, CAProject Description
Green Valley Consulting Engineers was part of the integrated engineering team for the federally-funded, two-phase Doyle Drive Replacement Project (also known as the Presidio Parkway Project) – a joint venture led by Arup, PB Americas. Inc., and the California Department of Transportation. Phase one of the project involved the complete replacement of San Francisco’s primary approach to the Golden Gate Bridge with a 1.6 mile long six-lane expressway which includes 1,800 feet of twin-bore cut-and-cover tunnels, 1,800 feet of elevated viaducts, and a temporary bypass. Phase two of the project will reconstruct the existing six-lane Doyle Drive south of the Golden Gate Bridge to current seismic standards.
Green Valley provided utility design for over 6,000 lineal feet of multiple pipeline relocations required for the construction of phase one of the project. This complex underground utility relocation project involved rerouting an 18 inch gravity sewer line, a 6 and 10 inch sewer force main for connection to a new pump station, 2 inch through 12 inch water lines, and numerous electrical and telecommunication lines within a three foot “clear” space of ground located above the new tunnel and below the roadway. Green Valley also provided Basis of Design reports for local Presidio Roads based on Caltrans and Presidio Trust design standards and analyzed the impacts of phase one change orders on Phase 2 of the project.

Clients Say
"It's been a busy summer and we could not have done it without the help of GVCE's CM Team. South Starr Road had enough hiccups to keep everyone busy. Our Construction Manager, Jason, was extremely helpful in solving the (many) unexpected field issues. We look forward to utilizing GVCE's CM Services on future CIP projects." - South Starr Road ProjectJim O'Brien, Project Manager - Town of Windsor